Best Lifer. Definition: One who lives every day better than the one before. A seizer of opportunity, love, happiness and adventure. In short, a Best Lifer kicks major butt and isn’t afraid to break things, get messy and live happily. Every. Darn. Day. As the Digital Engagement Coordinator here at Vega, I have the opportunity to stay on the pulse of our entire online community and the many rad ways they’re living their best lives. This exposure has inspired me to run faster, eat brighter and seriously smile more! These inspiring folk chase (some of them literally) their best lives with how they get out there and move their bodies. We each live our active lives in unique ways, however if I had to run a mile (or race a bike) in anyone else’s shoes for a day, I’d have to choose one of these Best Lifers!
Karina @lemoncrystals
“I’m a thrill seeker and a happiness chaser; my best life is driven by the hunt to feel something that takes your breath away. Staying active means doing something every day that tests your limits, gets your heart pumping, and makes you feel accomplished at the end of the day. As my own abilities progress it is my appreciation of my current accomplishments that inspire me to keep pushing and keep on smiling!”
David @the300poundvegan
“Living my best life means being truly healthy and happy. Staying active is incredibly important to me, it’s the fountain of youth!”
Amanda @runtothefinish
“Every day is an opportunity to be a better person, employee, athlete, wife, friend, and daughter than I was the day before. Running gives me the mental space to prioritize, focus on what really matters and do something that lights me up.”
Ben @benjamfred
“Cycling is the catalyst for me living my best life. It has allowed me the chance to test my limits, meet great people and see amazing places”
Shannon @runshannyrun
“Living my best life means appreciating every moment. Running is my source of joy, relaxation, challenge, achievement, and spirituality. It allows me to bring the world back into reality and life into perspective. It teaches me to appreciate the fun downhills, the sweat of the challenge on the ups, to breathe in the fresh air and to connect with the world around me.”
If you’re still reading this blog and not up and moving, you’ve got 5 seconds to remedy that! Go!!! Get out there and embrace your best life! Psst...Don’t forget to share with me how you’re living your best life by tagging your photos with #BestLifeProject. My FOMO will be unavoidable, so hit me hard with all the wonders of your amazing life!