Top 10 Best Netflix Documentaries According to Vegatopians

Top 10 Best Netflix Documentaries According to Vegatopians

We talk about food all day long at Vega HQ and out in the field, so it’s no surprise that we watch films about food in our off time. We asked Vegatopians to share their favorite food documentaries that can be seen on Netflix and they provided this fantastic list:

Note: All of these films are available on Netflix in both United States and Canada. Some are only available with a Netflix DVD subscription.

 1. Food, Inc.

Vega Sales Merchandising Rep Jess Burton loves this must-see documentary that has blown the food industry right open. “A few years ago when I started my nutrition journey this movie really made me think about where my food comes from and what steps we all can do on an individual level to take back our health and support local farmers.”

2. King Corn

Recommended by Experiential Specialist Emily Deyanova, this is the story of two who move to Iowa to learn how to grow corn and, in the process, expose North America’s addiction to high fructose corn syrup, government subsidies and corn products (junk food). This documentary shows you where corn products and derivatives (erythritol, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, etc.) come from, and how they are manufactured. It’s certainly eye-opening!

3. In Organic We Trust

According to Emily, this documentary tries to answer common questions many people have: “Is organic really better?” “What exactly IS organic?” “Why buy organic?” and clarifies many misconceptions. “I personally prefer to eat organic, non-GMO foods and value the truth behind labeling. I think this documentary does a great job of answering common questions regarding organic labels without confusing details.”

4. Food Chain

Art Director Collin McDougall asks, “Have you ever thought about the human cost of your food? This documentary focuses on the people who produce the food we see, buy, and eat every day. We often think about and see the production methods (organic, non-GMO, etc.) advertised, but rarely about those who do the production. This documentary is a grim tale of the fear-filled, abused, under-paid, poverty-stricken people who work in terrible conditions to produce the food we eat. After you watch, you may want to catch up on more farm labor rights issues with this fantastic exposé by Los Angeles Times.”

The next three films are recommended by Collin focus on the relationship between bees, beekeepers, agriculture, and us. “While the focus of these documentaries is beautiful, intelligent, indispensable bees–and you’re likely to learn some amazing things about these wonderful creatures you never knew–the moral lays not only in their vital importance to one out of every three bites of food, but also about their canary-in-a-coal mine status as indicators of agricultural health.”

5. Vanishing of the Bees

Focuses on contemporary issues surrounding bees like Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), and the trouble with sudden bee disappearance.

6. Queen of the Sun

Explores importance of bees throughout history and interviews with people who are the most in touch with bees from across the world.

7. More Than Honey

Like a master-class on the current realities of bees and beekeepers. Don’t mind the subtitles; this Swiss documentary is worth watching (and reading).

8. Forks Over Knives

Vega Education Manager Andrew Raines left his job in the railroad industry to become a registered holistic nutritionist and empower others to improve their health. “Fork Over Knives examines the current health of North Americans, and provides a positive outlook that many of us can control and prevent chronic diseases, just by changing the food that we eat. This film highlights the powerful benefits of a plant-based diet.”

9. Spinning Plates

Andrew shares, “Even the healthiest eater eats out. This film gives you a behind-the-kitchen look at three very different restaurants around the world. It is a fascinating look into the mind of a chef, and the challenges and opportunities they face.”

10. Food Matters

Andrew recommends Food Matters because “this documentary hosts an intelligent discussion on food, nutrition, supplements, Western medicine and traditional herbal medicine practices. Hard hitting, but important, because food does matter.”

What is your favorite documentary on Netflix?